Staying Sane Amid the Chaos

MARCH 4, 2025



By Leslie Fields-Cruz

Change is funny. Sometimes it rolls in at the speed of  molasses. Other times, it arrives so abruptly, we lose our balance. Right now, I feel we’re experiencing both simultaneously. Staying sane amid the chaos isn’t easy. But for me, doing the work we do is profoundly grounding. 

As you may recall, I was in D.C. last week talking with legislators and their staff members about the extraordinary work of BPM and the creatives we serve. Amid the palpable tumult flowing through the halls of Congress, it was invigorating to be able to describe how our independent makers are contributing to their local economies. We noted how our investments in your productions help you attract private dollars, and keep people working. . The officials we spoke to welcomed this positive news and will do all in their power to ensure we’re able to continue our work. We will continue to keep them informed as should you. 

Holding Steady Out West

a moderator and five panelists seated on stage
BADWest panel discussion led by Angela Gibbs (left) including (l-r): Astrid Kayembe, Sabra Williams, Akil Bell, Sasheen Artis, and Rosie Lee Hooks. Photo by Cheryl D. Fields

Meanwhile, on the other side of the country, BADWest convened an event at Hollywood’s Barnsdall Arts Park last Wednesday to discuss what the current chaos means for independent media makers in that town. BPM staffers who attended said despite people’s anxiety, the spirit of camaraderie and determination flowing through the program was buoying. Several speakers reminded the audience of whose shoulders we all stand. Our predecessors certainly endured worse. Yet, their perseverance paved the way for us. Subsequently, the number of independent media makers producing Black content today is perhaps greater than it has ever been.

Times are definitely changing and we’ll all need to make adjustments. But we mustn’t let the current chaos topple our sanity. Our mission is clear and I’m confident that as long as we band together, align ourselves with those who share our vision, and stay true to our mission, we’ll be alright. 

Personally, I can’t wait to see what we come up with next..

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BPM is supported by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting with further funding from the MacArthur Foundation and the New York State Council on the Arts. BPM is the only nonprofit that offers training, funding and distribution for projects solely about the Black experience. We welcome foundations, corporations and individuals to help with our work. For more information about underwriting and contributions, contact Delynda Lindsey (